Russel Brothers Limited OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Steelcraft Boat Builders
Pascal D.
Canadian List of Ships 1997: Owned by Navigation Arcade, Pierreville, Qu�bec. Transport Canada List 2002: Pascal D. Ex- Namekos [C.198019] built in 1958. Registered at Sorel 1974/11/06. Built by Russel-Hipwell Engine Co., Owen Sound, Ont. Owned by Navigation Arcade, Pierreville, Qu�bec. Transport Canada 2003: Owned by Navigation Arcade, Pierreville, Qu�bec. |

From Mac Mackay's excellent Tugfax blog about Halifax boats WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011 source:
Russel tugs - do they last forever? Groupe Oc�an is by far the largest owner of Russel tugs, and has several in various states of repair at any given time. (The tug on the left is not a Russel). Second from left is H.E.Graham, built in 1964 - it appears to have had an engine fire. Third from left is Pascal D. ex Namekos, built in 1955. Far right is La Croche built in 1940. Quebec City July 6, 2011.
F.A. HARRISON and PASCAL D. moving a barge Oct. 6, 2011. Photo by Jean Hemond.
Flamand beside Pascal D. and two other Russel tugs. Photos from Rene Garceau "Ocean a Trois-rivieres, riviere St Maurice." July 12, 2017. The photo on the right: "Les bateaux de la St Maurice vendu a Group Ocean au cap". Photo from Rene Garceau May 6 2017.
Pascal D and Flamand at Cap-de-la-Madeleine (Trois-Rivieres) August 12, 2018. Pascal D ex Namekos, built 1958, registry was closed August 8, 2019. Flamand, built 1947, registration is still open. Photo from Mac Mackay March 25, 2020.
For more Russel exhibits visit Owen Sound Marine & Rail Museum 1165 1st Ave West, Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K8 (519) 371-3333 |